The Holographic Medical Beds that are now replacing hospitals worldwide will be available to the public for everyday use. Coupled with Nikola Tesla’s Free Energy Towers, all available technology will be adapted to these standards. Using Advanced Intelligence the medical bed can heal cancers, tumors, fibromyalgia – vaccine damages can be reversed. “Aging” doesn’t exist – you won’t have joint pains, or need for the supplement industry – as the defecienes were created by THEM. Think Jurassic Park Lysine Contigency. Using tachyon and plasma energy – exactly like Star Trek The Next Generation, healing will be a quick process that everyone will have access to. The medical bed has the ability to scan your body from head to toe and detect each issue. Using the tachyon and plasma energy instruments they’re able to restore the DNA fully. We will be able to restore fully, any missing limbs or organs – restore sight, restore brain health. Give our elderly and our Great American Veterans a rejuvenation to feel “20 years younger.”
Where We Go One We Go All.
My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us…
– John F. Kennedy