The Matrix illusions portrayed by these Deep State puppets, are a Quantum representation of the healing process.When you break down the pod hierarchy structure of their control, with the Reptillans And Greys at the top.Operation Paperclip is a representation of their Nazi World Order profiles (Dr Fauci, Bill Gates, George Soros, etc.)Through each layer of their control, it extends from the top down. You‘ll notice their typical profile picture, in how they appear in YOUR simulation.Similar to the “Aryan Race” – their nanotechnology is connected to each chakra that represents their source of control.They are directly connected to your “body.” Belly Of The Beast [loc] 5:5? This is NOT A Game. This Is NOT A Movie.
BREAKING NEWS: Anthony S Fauci Has Been Arrested For Seditious Conspiracy
– John F. Kennedy
這些深層政府傀儡所扮演的「矩陣(Matrix)幻像」是個量子形態呈現的治癒過程。當你了解(拆解)他們控制人類社會的層次結構時,會發現位階最高的是蜥蜴人和小灰人。「迴紋針行動」是一個「納粹世界秩序」的行蹤代表。(包括:佛奇博士、比爾蓋茨、喬治·索羅斯等人)。他們從上到下控制著每一個層。你會注意到他們典型的行跡資料,以及他們如何出現在社會的偽裝。類似於「雅利安種族」,他們的奈米技術和代表被他們控制的每一個脈輪是相結合的。它們直接連接到你的「身體」。獸性之腹 [loc] 5:5?這不是一個遊戲。這不是一部電影。