


My fellow Americans, as you may realize by now – Reptilians and Greys had enslaved humanity using nanotechnology. The start of the movie in 1999 – The Matrix Was A Documentary, outlines the infiltration & enslavement by Draconians & Artificial Intelligence & Computer Simulations. The symbolism in the imagery posted via social media across all platforms about COVID-19 – describes The Matrix. They poisoned every aspect of your daily life – from the air you breathe to the water you drink, their virus spread and infiltrated to the highest levels in government. Using the media as the 4th branch of the government, they controlled what you saw and heard – using technology to manipulate what you saw thru the television, from computer graphic imagery (CGI) to your mobile phone that is spying on you 24/7. From the computer screen I’m typing this letter on, to the screen you see at your local covfefe shop – they are out to poison YOUR mind. With Operation Paperclip The Nazi’s Allied With The Reptilians on the dark side of the moon, giving them access to The United States ‘NASA’ deceivement programs. Created a fake veil hiding the true interplanetary civilization we belong to. They hid the true origins of the thoughts, vibrations & energy the mind reacts to, using via nanotechnology- they connected it to bitcoin, to harvest your energy – to extend their control even further. The Crimes Against Humanity and Crimes Against Children for their evil with our innocent children, technological and medical cures. I encourage you all to watch Out Of Shadows, Fall Of The Cabal, Cosmic Disclosure & X-Files.

– John F Kennedy Jr. 19th Vice President