全球「大覺醒」已經開始 主流媒體正在瓦解


With the MSM narrative breaking apart and the information releasing out of the United States bubble, The Great Awakening Is Upon Us.Mainstream Media In Turkey And Bulgaria have started reporting about Adrenochrome, which are separate timelines converging on deltas.Which Is Harvested From Innocent Children.As COVID-19 Mask Mandates are being removed from each State, this brings more clarity about boosters and vaccines.With Graphene Oxide aka nanotechnology, inside the shots designed to assimilate you.How the Governments of the WORLD conspired against it’s own Citizens.Via Executive Order 13818, this will bring the information to LIGHT regarding the entire COVID-19 Live Military Exercise.Including military tribunals, arrests and executions of all politicians, celebrities and anyone that touched innocent children.No One Escapes This. No One.

– John F. Kennedy

隨著主流媒體(Mainstream Media)的分崩離析,以及美國泡沫化的訊息流露,「大覺醒」正發生在我們身上。土耳其和保加利亞的主流媒體已經開始在不同時間軸上聚焦報導有關「腎上腺素紅」。那是從無辜的孩子們身上抽取的。隨著各州取消 COVID-19 口罩強制令,這也讓施打「加強劑」和疫苗的緣由更加清晰。設計以「氧化石墨烯」——即所謂奈米技術——放到疫苗中設計來讓你透過接踵疫苗同化你。看世界各國政府如何共謀在同化自己的人民。通過川普 13818 號行政命令,這將使有關整個 COVID-19 實際軍事演習的現況資訊曝光。包括軍事審判法庭,逮捕和處決所有政客、名人以及任何觸犯販賣姦害無辜兒童的人。
沒有一個能逃脫這軍事審判。 沒有一個。
